I finished these two up last night.
I tried to post them but they did not
arrive from my phone until 3:55.
I sure am glad I didn't wait up.
I call this one Glory Bee ~
see that little bee? It glows in
the dark.
It is a San ManOriginals pattern.
I changed
the colors to a more muted
shade of Glory for the U. S. A.,
flag, stars and firecracker.
It is done on 32 ct. light ivory.
How does it look?
The other
colors were Aqua,
Pink and bright yellow.
Not like the 4th at all!
This one is called Meow!
It is all ready to be sent off
I used mostly over dyed threads,
in fact
over dyed threads to stitch
it up.
It is done on 32ct Lambswool.
It's so hard to believe it is almost June.
I have tried to post every
nite but I missed one by 2 minutes
and one by one stinking minute.
Total Bummer!
Tonight I worked on Cape Cod Girls that I
started long ago.
I finished the outline,
one eel and the three
curly queue's in the left hand corner.
I also gathered the threads together
for the Sampler Sisters of Thread I am
going to do with a couple of
ladies online.
Well, more than a couple,
I bet!
I found a piece of fabric I bought
for my Desert Mandala
but it is too small.
I think
it will work just perfect with
my Sister's Sampler's piece.
It is called Desert Sky and it is
over dyed with tan and blue.
I have found another one for my
Desert Mandala so it is OK to
use this piece for the Sampler.
Got to go and order my pattern
and the threads I need.
Have you ever noticed
that no matter how many threads
you have, you never, never
have all of the ones you need?
Funny how that works.
Thanks for looking ~
you all are the best friends one
could ask for in the whole
wide world.
God Bless Your stitching fingers . . .