A few days ago I got this much
done on Jenny Bean Halloween.
I finished for the night then
discovered I had the frog
visit in the wee hours while
I was asleep!!!
Crafty little devil!
So I did my ripping and started again.
This is the progress on my
Jenny Bean Halloween tonight.
I only had to take it out twice, once
cause it was stitched off by one stitch.
The other time cause
I went up too high on the top.
Unfortuntatly, it threw
the whole side off.
What it took one hour to stitch
was ripped out in about 10 minutes.
I was talking to an author I have become
friends with and I told him I did some
rewriting (ripping) with fabric while he did
it on paper.
Seems like he has the easier job, as
long as he isn't having writers